As you look through your wardrobe you're probably wondering if there are somethings you should keep or get rid of. I can almost guarantee you that there are things you will need to get rid of right away. You don't have to throw them right away you can either donate them or keep them and change things up by pairing items together you didn't think to do before. However, this post is about the items in your closet that you should get rid of right away.
· Clothes you haven't worn in over a year
· Old maternity clothes
· Plastic and wire hangers
· Clothes you almost never wear, or you don't love
· Clothes that do not fit (loose or tight)
· Shoes that you never wear
· Shoes that don't fit
· Handbags that are outdated or worn-out
· Clothes are really worn out and it's noticeable
· Clothes that remind you of past fashion mistakes
· Stains and damages beyond repair from shoes, clothes, and accessories
Now let me clarify on some things. First, if you have clothes that have a sentimental background and you don't want to give it away, but you no longer wear them, just store them. You don't have to keep them in your closet, you can keep them in a place where you keep all your sentimental pieces. Second, if you have items that you save for a special occasion and you don't go to special events often, I suggest getting a garment bag and
keep your special occasion clothing in there. Third, if you still have clothes in your closet that don't fit because you've gained weight, but you're planning on losing the weight I would still put them away. The reason being is because it could take time to lose weight and you need to work with the body you have now. Once, you're at the weight you're happy with then you can pull the clothes out again. Leaving them in the closet where you can see it every day might frustrate, or they might motivate you. However, I wouldn't keep an abundance of clothing that doesn't fit you in your closet.