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Things To Avoid When Returning To God Given Traditional Gender Roles

I'm so glad to see the return of women wanting to be traditional, embracing gender roles, and putting an effort into their appearance. I think it's great and it feels like a lot of women are aware of the lies of feminism (all waves of feminism) and want to move away from that kind of thinking. Although I have noticed somethings that can go wrong here, and I want to get into what they are, and they need to be avoided. They need to be avoided in order, for this movement to be authentic, genuine, grow, and not another lie that makes women more miserable and traps and manipulates men. Remember women manipulating men especially men you say you love is not Biblical its satanic. Let's get into it. 

woman teaching daughter to cook

You Need God in Your Life

First and foremost, you do need God and that should never be avoided. Yes, that is correct for a marriage to survive and thrive you need God. You need God before you get married, while you're married, and always. God needs to be at the center of your life and marriage. Both people, husbands and wives need to put God first because that is the only way you'll be able to get through the worst parts of your marriage. Marriage is a beautiful thing that is ordained by God. Your marriage and your role and embracing that needs to glorify God. It's important to be married to someone you are equally yoked with, that means someone who shares the same beliefs and values as you do if you're both Biblical Christians. Which is why it's so vital to be a God-fearing woman beforehand because as a woman you are instructed to follow him and if you don't you are an error to him. 

You can of course be saved at any point in life don't misunderstand me, but it is harder when two unequally yoked people get married and try to make it work. It's hard and it's a long battle and unfortunately a lot of people aren't that strong to endure an unbalanced marriage. Especially in a world that encourages women to divorce their husbands and break up their families under and any circumstance. We are living in a world where women get paid to divorce their husbands and it's so sad and appalling how women have completely fallen away from God's grace. Women you need God and not ungodly advice, single women around you, and advice from people that aren't biblical Christians. Women are easily influenced it was proven through Eve all the way to the first wave of feminism to today. 

Women need Jesus, you need salvation, and you need to get off the pedestal you were put on for simply being a woman. You need to follow your husbands and you need to surround yourself with wise Godly women, who will hold you accountable and who won't encourage your bad and selfish behavior. If you desire to return to traditional God given gender roles, then you need to avoid ungodly inference and advice by seeking God first.

praying woman

Don't Look to Television as Your Only Guide for Traditionalism 

I hate modern television and the filth that is showed and promoted. I prefer watching reruns of old shows. However, even those shows had their own agenda in a way. The proof is in the word tel-e-vision. They are essentially telling a vision of what they want the world to be and to go away from natural order God laid out for us to follow. As Anton Levay founder of the Church of Satan once said, "Many of you have already read my writings indicating that tv is the new god. There is a little thing I neglected to mention until now, television is the major mainstream infiltration for the new satanic religion." Many celebrities were open members of the church of Satan. It's no surprise why most if not all shows now are anything but wholesome. Even the wholesome shows are not wholesome. Which brings me to my point on shows like "I Love Lucy", or even "The Donna Reid Show." While these shows were wholesome compared to now, they also gave a glimpse and set the stage for the next wave of feminism. How is this possible when those shows centered around homemakers and tradition? 

Well, let me explain something, while those shows might have revolved around homemakers and tradition that doesn't mean it didn't have its faults. These faults need to be avoided if you intend on returning to Godly gender roles. While "I Love Lucy" was a very funny show and I enjoy the show except for one thing and that was Lucy because she was extremely manipulative. In fact, if the show wasn't funny then I wouldn't be able to stomach watching it because the amount manipulation was insane. It seems in many episodes for her to love her husband Ricky she had to find a way to manipulate him into getting her what she wants. That is not the job of a Godly woman. As Godly woman we are not to make his life difficult in any way. 

See Proverbs 31:12, She will do him good and not evil all the days of her life.

Lucy at times was very unappreciative of the life he provided for her in many ways such as constantly inferring in his business affairs, spending all his money, and not paying the bills, and ignoring the fact that they couldn't afford certain things and she wouldn't let it go. She would then find a way to try and manipulate the situation to gain the outcome she wanted. When the show originally aired it did receive some backlash because of the amount manipulation caused by Lucy. This is back when accountability and being aware of a woman's manipulation tactics was a thing. 

While her antics were funny for a sitcom it wouldn't be in real life. In real life to a worldly marriage this would be cause for divorce. There were times he wouldn't put up with her nonsense and he shouldn't have, and no man should, but he wasn't as firm as he should have been. Women, manipulating your husbands isn't something you should strive for or do. It doesn't matter how unfair you think he's being. You must understand his role is to lead and if he loves his family most of his decisions are beneficial for the family. However, women are encouraged to make decisions to be beneficial to her and it needs to be what she wants regardless of her family. Ladies, you need to sit back and let your men lead and listen to him. Look at the chaos we are living in when more women lead. The men are weak, and the women are leading their homes into destruction. Women were not made to lead. Women were made to complete men, teach other women and children, and to be keepers of the home. 

It's the same for "The Donna Reid Show" while she wasn't as manipulative as Lucy, she did try to manipulate her husband into getting her way. She didn't always appreciate him the way other people did, she got upset at certain compliments like her being frugal and understanding, and manipulated him into spending more money for her selfishness. There were times she challenged his authority despite the fact she was usually proven wrong at the end. The only difference between these shows and the shows now is that at the end of the episodes (some not all) the women would get their comeuppance and rightfully so. Unfortunately, that doesn't happen in shows anymore. No matter how wrong the women in shows are, they are always seen as right and worse as victims even if they cause the problem. 

While I love the return to traditional roles, I do believe some things need to be avoided and one of them is getting your traditional advice from shows. Especially where the shows were revolved around manipulative women. You must keep in mind these shows kind of segued into feminism because they did have episodes that promoted feminism. What did feminism do? It was a movement that was designed to go against God's natural order from the beginning by manipulating women and even men to give into a woman's demand no matter how awful it may be. 

Social Media

In order, to fully go back to traditional gender roles, you need stop using social media as a form of oxygen and stop expecting validation from other people. You also need to get it out of your head that everyone needs to see everything going on in your life and needs a headshot or a body shot of you every other day. Really, who are you doing this for? Is it for you and your family? Or is it for you to seek attention and validation from others? It's one thing if you're trying to teach other women on how to be a wife and mom that I completely understand. What becomes questionable is your authenticity, how often are you on social media, lecturing men, and if all this gets to your head, and you start uploading pictures that are only appropriate in a private setting for you and your husband. That is when people start to question is this authentic. Which brings me to my next point.

taking picture of a woman

This Movement Needs to Be Genuine 

It stops being genuine when so called "conservative" or Christian" women say you need to go back to traditionalism but they themselves are not living in traditional lifestyles. Many object to the return of traditionalism and many live with their significant others before they get married. Many of these women reject modesty, keeping their home by cooking, cleaning, and creating a quiet place for their husbands. Most of them feel the need to engage in politics while lecturing you on being traditional while they themselves are far from it.

A true traditional wife wouldn't feel the need to "have a voice" and get involved in politics especially if they are saying they trust their husbands to lead. Do they really? Think about it for a moment it's one thing to teach women and encourage femininity and only speak to women. It's another going into an arena like politics and forcing your opinions and get offended when men and women are pointing out the obvious holes and inconsistencies. Many of these women say one thing but do another. One can argue and they would be right, what are you saying that men aren't saying? What value are you really bringing to the table? Is what you're saying something that is important like where the world is going or is it gossip and slander? A lot of the time its mostly gossip and slander, which is a very feminine, a worldly feminine trait. Women have downgraded their roles so much to the point they only feel useful if they are lecturing someone as opposed to taking care of their homes, families, communities, and teaching other women.

This also shouldn't be a way to trap men and manipulate them. Manipulating them to believe after years of living a very heathen lifestyle and out of nowhere you are traditional. Most men can sense the lies and will reject it as they should. 

Laziness and Spending Too Much Money

One of the reasons why feminism was so successful was because it conned people into thinking being a housewife is lazy. That couldn't be further from the truth. Taking care of your home and making your house into a home isn't lazy. It takes work and in some cases more work than others especially if you have kids. One of things to avoid when returning to traditional gender roles is becoming lazy. While you will have more down time that doesn't mean you should be lazy and do nothing at all and then when your husband comes in, he must do your job too. I see that happen all the time a lot of women today are consumed with selfishness and laziness that they can't handle their own role, which is keeping the home and taking care of their children. It has got to the point where men come home, they can't relax they have to do their masculine roles and take on feminine roles because the woman couldn't be bothered to do it while she was home. This is a big problem, and it needs to be avoided. 

Something else that should be avoided is running through his money. The money he is making is for the family. Another flaw from "I Love Lucy" she needed to spend his money despite him saying, "they can't afford it." Women, when your husband says you can't afford it then you can't afford it. Trust him, why would you marry him if you can't trust him? You shouldn't be so eager to constantly spend money for the sake of spending money. It is possible to live comfortably under one income, it's about sacrifices and learning to live with in your means. If you desire to have a little extra money, then fine but try to find a job that doesn't take you away from your family and your responsibilities and only spend the extra funds on yourself.

Another thing that should be avoided when returning to traditional roles is to not let yourself go and stop getting dressed. Keep up your appearance for your husband and teach your kids to look presentable. Many women expect their husbands to keep up their appearance and to take care of themselves without doing the same. Women, you need to take care of yourself, don't let yourself go, and give him a reason to be happy that he's home and gets to be around a wife that loves him. A wife that takes care of him, the home, the kids, and herself. Fifty years ago this wan't an issue, women had more to do, less technology, more kids, and less disposable income but still managed to look presentable for their husbands and vice versa.

Don't Assume He'll Be Prince Charming 24/7

One of the biggest flaws I see with returning to traditional gender roles is this illusion that he will be Prince Charming 24/7 and will never get angry or have a bad day. However, when he does, he's the bad guy. No one man or woman is pleasant all day every day we all have bad days and sometimes we get angry and say and do things we don't mean because we're upset. That doesn't mean that person is awful or abusive. We need to get that out of our heads and just because he has a bad day, he's not a bad guy. Most men have very stressful jobs and it's your job as his wife to understand that and not make matters worse by nagging him or making the situation about you.

Our role is very easy compared to his role, but we have let worldly people dictate how we should behave and that has led to so much chaos and a world that's going further and further away from God. You'll be going through difficult times, and you need to be able to go through those times together without making matters worse. Keep in mind you'll also be going through your own problems, and you wouldn't want him to make it worse, right? Then why make it worse for him? Remember women. as women we are to make his job easier and make his home a place where he can relax. We shouldn't make it a place where he has to drive around the block a few times before coming in and having to face more stress.

Remember women above all else your marriage and your role as his wife is to glorify God and to put God first. You were made to complete him not compete with him and to be his helpmeet.  


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