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Society's Goals For Women vs. God's Role For Women: Part One

Updated: Jun 7, 2023

Over the past fifty years the decline of women's happiness has gone down immensely and sadly many women to this date still don't know the reason for this decline. It's no secret everything today is just so chaotic and out of order. The worst part of all this is, as Christians we've let non-Christians tell us how to be Christian and by doing that, we've gone away from God altogether. In this two part series of Society’s Goal of Women Vs God’s Role, I’m going to discuss the impact of women no longer being a part of their children’s education and career vs homemaker.

Let's not forget this country was founded on Christian beliefs and now the media, academia, politics, and Hollywood have done their best to keep God out of everything. When they keep God in they've manage to water down Christianity and so many Christians have gone along with this abomination. As Christian feminine women we shouldn't let the world tell us how to live our life, when we all have our jobs in the body of Christ that the world doesn't know anything about or would understand. We as Christians need to stop letting the world how to tell us how to live period.

Career vs Homemaker

There was a time when it was no question that being a homemaker and caregiver to your family, the family you chose to have was more important than having a career. Now, sense the feminist movement many women, even Christian women have taken on the feminist belief that you’re doing yourself a service by choosing a career over our family. However, if you chose to be a homemaker you are somehow doing yourself a disservice. How does it make sense, that being a slave to a job is somehow liberating but taking care of the family you chose to have is demeaning? From personal experience I’ve seen women at work catering to their male boss’, employees, or co-workers more than their husbands. They would even say they don’t “cater to their husbands” but when their male peers needed something they were always front and center. Women would rather be replaced at home than at work. Find the logic in that, you don’t want someone else to get your job, but you want someone else to raise your children and take care of your family because doing it yourself is demeaning. Even though the person taking care of your family is a woman, more than likely has a family of her own. But as long as she’s taking care of your family your aces?

Who are you doing all this for? Your family needs you not your job, jobs will always be there, but your family won’t especially when your kids are young those years go by so fast. Why would you want another woman to have that memory? Your husband married you not a nanny. Why get married? Is it just a status symbol at this point?

Women we need to start do doing better and living by the role God set us out to live not fulfill the goal society wants from us which has led women to misery. No, having money isn’t the end all be all of life and I know what you’re thinking you need two incomes now. Well, if you have a nanny, pay for an everyday babysitter, and pay for daycare you can afford to stay home you just choose not to stay home. However, if you can’t afford a nanny there plenty of books now that give you a step-by-step guide how to live off one income or you can work from home.

Education of Children

Prior to feminism women were more involved in their children’s education. Now for many people who disagree with what kids are being taught today, go back 60 years and do you really think this kind of curriculum would have gone past the homemakers who were activity involved in their children’s education? The answer is, NO. They wouldn’t have been able to get away with this kind of curriculum. However, if you are aware of the origins of feminism particularly second wave feminism you would know the primary goal was to basically get parents especially mothers away from their kids’ education so they can be indoctrinated and brainwashed by the education system. Now we have one of the worst education systems and we used to have the best. Being a homemaker was much more than cooking and cleaning, it was also being active in your children’s education and being a part of your community.

The sad truth is that if it had not been for this virus (whatever your thoughts about it are, I have my own opinions about it) parents would still be completely unaware of what their children are being taught. Guess what? CRT, anti-American and anti-Christian subjects, and pro-LGBT curriculum aren’t new it’s been taught for years decades even. Now it’s getting worse, and you can scream to the rooftops and be outraged but the fact is none of this would have been possible if women didn’t fall for this jezebel movement.

Women play a vital role in their kids’ lives and God made it that way for a reason. Stop listening to a group of ungodly, unhappy women who are now referring you to as a menstruating person. They’re just trying to take away everything from you. One thing I can say about the other side is that they are so patient. Despite what people think, the mess we’re in now was not overnight it took decades to get to this point and guess what? They aren’t done. We need to wake up and stop going with what is popular and go back to what is Biblical.

Stay tuned for the second part of this series and if you’re a Christian and conservative this should not upset you. If anything, this should open your eyes and challenge you to do your own research. What you’ve been taught to be believe by the mainstream media, academia, Hollyweird, and politicians is not entirely accurate and most if it is propaganda and designed to go against God’s natural order.


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