As fashion trends change so does our wardrobe. However, that begs the question do you really need to stay current on fashion trends to remain chic and classic? The short answer is no but it is important to stay current but keep true to your personal style. In this article I will go into detail as to why you should stay up on the trends and probably avoid those that don't look good and there are a lot. If you prefer a more classic style that has been arounds for decades that is also great and it works but if you want to try something new then this article is for you. Before I get into it, please look at an article I wrote at the beginning of this blog about fashion trends that will never go out of style.
Of course, there will always be trends that never go out of style in fact as fashion changes the classic trends will always be incorporated. However, one of the reasons why you should stay up to date on the latest fashion trends, is because, while many pieces can be classic and the way you style them, their may be new fun ways to wear them. For instance, the pencil skirt, button down blouse and blazer combination has been around since as early as the 1940s, however, each decade has its own style. I'm a lover of the 1940's-1960's fashion, with that said when you look back to the 1980s combination it's not something you would wear today. I know that people love 1980's fashion but a lot of the style from then would not work today. You’re not going to see shoulder pads, outrageous colors and patterns, untamed hair, and colorful makeup as a "go to" for work today, so you should stay up to date on how to wear a lot of pieces and styles. Now, I know that some of the 80's trends have come back but it sure wasn't this trend. The trend that is coming back is the rolled out of bed look that was made famous in the 80's and you can see a lot of those looks in shoes like Full House, Roseanne, Growing Pains, Family Ties and movies like Sixteen Candles (not Claire the basket case) and the list is endless.
If fashion is not your thing and you want to take it more seriously you should start with what is current now but also assess what really looks good. You don't have to study fashion to know what is current. Go into the stores and see what you like, try the pieces on, and make sure the styles, colors, and the fit of the garments work well with your shape and undertone.
You don't have to stay up to date on all trends because not all trends look good on anyone. Look at what's current and if you think it looks ridiculous chances are it probably is ridiculous. Which brings me to my next point on staying current because what is in today may not be in next year. The reason being, if the trends don't live up to the expectations, then there are no sales, or the turnout is low. Even if you do like to wear classic pieces don't be afraid to go in stores and explore new options to pair with th classic pieces you love so much. While some of the 80's trends with pencil skirts may not look good but they were on to something and that was having fun with your clothes while remaining chic and fabulous.
A lot of fashion is classic and timeless but there are certain styles that don't come back and if you look outdated people will notice. When it comes to appearances looks do matter especially if you're in a business or have a business and the way you look and the way you present yourself matters. People notice and people can tell a lot about you just by the way you dress and carry yourself.
With all of that said you can always stick to classic looks but keep an eye out on the latest trends. Like the example I used earlier you don't want to use outdated garments with classic pieces. Stay tune for my next post about femininity and style. Stay feminine!