As I mentioned in a previous blog post, this site isn't just about style and fashion it is about femininity overall. Over the past sixty years women have been told to suppress their femininity and be more masculine and this will make them happier and equal to men. Well, let me let you in on something that has been one of the biggest lies in history. In fact, women's happiness has gone down since the feminist movement. Women today are more unhappy and confused than ever before and they just don't know why they feel this way. There is nothing greater than doing the job God has given you. One of our jobs as women is to be feminine and embrace our femininity and complete men not compete with them.
Well, I'm here to explain to you everything that is wrong with today's women and how you can fix it. Brace yourself this won't be pretty because the cold hard truth never is. However, you can learn from this and move forward to a much joyful and peaceful state of mind without having to constantly suppress your natural instincts to appease the crowd. Keep in mind the crowd you're trying to follow wants to keep you single, barren, and miserable like them. The age old saying, "misery loves company" and feminism has made women beyond miserable and not even marriageable let alone dateable.
I'll start this off with a quote from a prominent feminist from the 1960's (for those of you who love 2nd wave feminism without knowing the truth).
"The nuclear family must be destroyed...whatever its ultimate meaning, the breakup of families now is an objectively revolutionary process."
That was said by famous feminist Linda Gordon. This movement was designed to go against GOD's natural order and his plan. Unfortunately, too many so called conservative and even worse so called Christian women fell for this lie for decades.
They immediately turned their back on their husbands and their children to focus on themselves which has led to this downward spiral we see in our kids today. Lack of fathers and strong male leadership has led to the demise of a strong society. Lack of homemakers has led to children entering school faster, to be indoctrinated and brainwashed, inflation skyrocketing, the cost-of-living skyrocketing and women being taxed.
Now companies are no longer allowed to operate the way they need to operate because of the feelings of women, whom by the way call themselves strong but have no thick skin. In addition, companies are being forced to pay for a lengthy absence thus costing the companies more money. When that money could be better spent on someone who they know will stay.
Ask yourself, who is benefiting from this and who is suffering from this? You are the one that is suffering and the people benefiting from your misery are the people that conned you into this mess. People, like celebrities, dating gurus, feminist activists, politicians and the media are all banking and benefiting from your misery. If your dream is to have a career, then go ahead but if it's not then don't suppress your natural feelings and desires to please groups of people that don't know you or care about you.
As feminine women, conservative women, and most importantly as Christian women we know that this concept isn't in the Bible. Being a feminine and Godly woman is one of the most important aspects of life. I wrote about the importance of being a feminine Godly woman in the past. Here is the link to check it out:
What the media, entertainment industry, schools and politicians aren't telling you is the there is nothing wrong with embracing your femininity. They don't tell you how unhappy women are now, how relationships are now, and how women have become so obsolete. Instead, they offer solutions and make it seem like these solutions are necessary but none of these "solutions" have ever worked. Look at the welfare system, no fault divorce, being career orientated, cohabitation, pre-schools, and I can go on. Now that relationships have become obsolete, what do you think marriages and family have become?
Feminists have drilled into women's heads that liberation is found in a career. Not even a career but a job because most people have jobs not careers. A job in which you're told what to do, how to do it, slave to their demands, a slave to their time, be a servant and submit to them, mandating things that go against your beliefs and backing you up into a corner. Does that sound like liberation to anyone? Instead, of living in a home provided by your husband and all he's asking from you is to take care of it, him, and your kids. Of course, the job isn't easy which is why feminists hate it because it's not an easy job. However, you're able to work on your own schedule, your own time, and if you're done with everything, take care of yourself and focus on what makes you happy. Get a hobby and just enjoy your life but don't ignore your family in the process. Which one sounds like liberation?
We're living in an age of selfishness, where it's all about me, yes, I have kids, but I need to think about what makes me happy. For many women and couples’ children have become accessories and status symbols. However, on the other end they're seen as imprisonment. There is nothing more special as a woman than being feminine, embracing your feminine role, and one that believes and follows the roles God made for women and cherishing them.
The good news is you don't have to follow what they are telling you. If you want to have a career fine. Women prior to the feminist movement (from either wave) had careers but gave it up once they were married. However, if you don't want a career and want a family instead don't suppress your true desires. Make active steps to achieve that dream and don't spend time in relationships that are going nowhere. If the people around, you aren't supportive and shame you then people do not have your best interest at heart.
My goal is to help women, not only to look their best but feel their best and embrace their femininity. You're not alone in the way you feel and the life you want to lead. You don't have to go for what is considered "trendy" now. Society is always changing what's acceptable and demonizes the feminine woman particularly the Christian feminine woman. Always remember the world will always change their "beliefs" but the word of God never changes. It is important as Christian women to know that no matter what year it is God's word will always be relevant. Being a feminine woman is part of our role as women of God.